We’re the flowers in the dustbin

We’re the poison in your human machine

We’re the future, your future

Sex Pistols


Bionet Life beta

Next Gen Social Media

Experimental Software and Hardware complex for updating Reality using Entropyn technology

Registration will be available soon

Bionet Avatar

Bionet Avatar is your virtual Representative in the Biointernet

Bionet Avatar connected with author

Bionet Avatar transmit QQQ (Qualia, Quality, Quantity) to Author 24/7

Develop and Grow your Bionet Avatar & Upgrade Real Life!

The Bionet Avatar

Create Bionet Life Member’s Account and Manage the Future!

Bionet Avatar – center for your Creativity!

Bionet Avatar is your Dynamic Vision Board

Bionet Avatar is the Member’s Account with Joy Basic Structure Function using Entropyn technology inside the Bionet Life Software.

Bionet Avatar is dynamic object with 5 basic live stream channels and unlimited abilities to create new ones.

Bionet Avatar is the basic profile for managing of Bionet Life Instruments functions

More about The Bionet Avatar here

Level Price  
Bionet Avatar

$89.00 now and then $49.00 per Month.

Bionet Avatar Pro

$189.00 now and then $89.00 per Month.

Bionet Avatar Business

$489.00 now and then $250.00 per Month.


DFF Ecosystem

Bionet Life Social Network

Next generation Social Media

First healing network and your personal Dynamic Vision Board

Intention Fantasy Network using Entropyn technology

Online community with offline functionality.

Bionet Magic Groups

Collaborate. Coordinate. Enjoy!

The Biointernet Equipment and Software groups.

Creativity Entropyn Groups.

Training Game groups.

Affiliate groups and more Bionet Life functional activity.

Welcome to Entropyn Groups!

Bionet Live Stream Activity

Post. Share. Control.

The Bionet Life Activity Itself.

Entropyn technology for you.

Next level of social activity.

Support your projects using Bionet Life Server!

Post and Share!

TTM - Time Travel Management

Bionet Life Galleries

Time Travel Management

Entropyn technology galleries.

Decrease Chaos in your life now.

Upload personal and business galleries.

Bionet Shop

Human Light System Store

Translighters Ecosystem.

GDVCAMERA by Dr Korotkov.

Bionet masks and more on the Shop.

Affiliate System for Bionet Life Members.

Bionet Tools

DFF Bionet Life Instruments for Creativity

Online Services by DFF Bionet Life/beta v 2.0

Bionet Tools

Entropyn Selfie

Create Entropyn Magic Selfie with Intention!

Upload to the Bionet Life Server Now!

Update Tomorrow using Entropyn technology!

More about Entropyn Selfie here

Updating Reality

Create What Your Really Want!

Update your Reality using Entropyn technology.

Upload images of your Reality to the Bionet Life Server.

Connect Bionet Avatar with your Intention.

More about Service Updating Reality here

Bionet X Game

Intuitive Information Sight online training game.

Welcome to Training Games groups:

My Intention is… – Create Your Inner Intention!

Practical movies – training watching

DFF Today – Update Environment!

More about Bionet X Game here

Entropyn videos

Real Magic inside the Bionet Life.

Online files with functions.

Files with functions

Translighters Digital

Entropyn technology

Activate Human Light System using Basic Structures!

More about Entropyn videos here

Entropyn Web

Connect Social

Upgrade your web and social accounts using Entropyn technology

More about Connect Social accounts here

Coming soon:

Bionet Life App for Android

Bionet Life Healing Forum using Entropyn technology

Bionet Avatar blogs business and personal

Online Bionet Games – online meetings using Entropyn and Translighters technologies

Bionet Games for Members inside Bionet Life App

Bionet Life Diagnostic System using external devices like GDVCAMERA, OXIMETER, Blood pressure monitor

Affiliate System for Bionet Shop Products and Services

and more

Entropyn technology developed by Kir Korotkov and Sergey Avdeev

Created by Boris Zolotov, Sergey Avdeev and Kir Korotkov

More about The Biointernet Project

Bionet Life/beta version 2.0

2023 January (bionet life/beta 1.71 here)

Powered by Korotkov